Monday, April 23, 2012

Mini-WOD Monday

I'm pretty sure that I dreamed about CrossFit this weekend, so I was ready to go this morning. When I saw the WOD, I even thought, "hey, this looks like fun."

Mini-WOD Monday.
Well, that was until I woke up enough and realized that those were overhead squats... my least favorite lift. Ever. I just don't like them. Weird, because I love snatch and snatch balance and everything snatch related, but I really hate OHS. Huh, gotta 'em sometime I guess. 

The class was pretty full this morning thanks to a couple Foundations graduates (yay! congrats!) and a couple of drop ins (welcome!). I ended up starting with the row/run to alleviate overcrowding with the OHS. I felt good for the first round, but the second run, my legs just didn't want to start moving. I finally got them moving on the last half of the lap (the downhill portion). I was on the floor when that part was over. 

Next up was the OHS. I feel like I shortchanged myself a bit, because I didn't go very heavy. Once again, psyching myself out. Started too light and ended up not reaching my full potential. Didn't want to keep going though because there were still kettlebell swings to get through. Huh, are the more reason to figure out my 1RM on OHS. Sucks though, because that means I'll actually have to do them. 

The pushups/kbs were last. You could break it up any way you wanted. At first, I figured I'd break it into sets of ten. By the time I started I figured I would get as many kbs as a could and go from there. That's how it went. Not bad. I was happy with my time too and the fact that I moved up weight for the kb (1 pood! yeah!). 

Here's my WOD: 
Run/Row: 4:54 
OHS: 33#x3; 53#x3; 63#x3x3; 68#x3 
KBS/Pushup: 3:32 

Not a bad start to the week. And on a side note, some shots from my weekend.

Portobello pizza cup! Very filling and fun to make. #paleo (on dairy) #primal
Primal portobello mushroom pizza! You gotta have a little cheese every now and then.

Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. #paleo/#primal burger with portobello bun. Messy but delicious.
Primal burger yumminess for dinner. Recipe from Health Bent

This morning #paleo breakfast. Scrambled eggs with butternut squash hash. Fueling me for my next meeting.
Breakfast this morning, I love me some hash!

Kanoe snatch
My sis putting up a 55# snatch at CF Waipio. So proud of you!!!

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