Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Poor Knees

Most of the time when I run, my knees bother me. Today, I knew it was going to happen. Quite a bit of running and because I was tired, I did not have the best running form either... I was mostly trying to get the hell back in the door the quickest way possible. Needless to say, by the time lunch rolled around, just getting out of my desk chair sucked. Then I remembered that I hadn't taken my daily dose of fish oil yet.

A couple of swallows and two hours later... ahhhh. Much better.

Back to the real stuff, here's what started off my pain today.

Hump day #wod.

Have I mentioned before that I hate running? I have and if you haven't been keeping up... I despise running. I have short legs, they don't go fast and they don't like when I try to get them to go faster.

Amazingly, since a couple months ago when I started all this, I can know keep up with the pack for the most part. Makes me feel a teeny bit better about myself. Yeah, I have self esteem issues.

Running aside, there were also those nasty 20 thrusters to deal with. In true form, once again I was over thinking.

"45# is too light, but 63# might be too heavy."

That's what was going through my head since I saw the board this morning. 45# seemed so light, but the reps did total out to 60, which is a lot. What do I do?

Set up the midget bar with 15s? Nope. I set up 63# and then brought over an empty 45# bar too, just in case.

That, in the end was what saved my butt. After running and trying to be somewhat quick about things, 63# was not gonna happen for all 20 reps each round. I knew it. 

Here's how it did turn out:
1st round: 63#x10; 45#x10
2nd round: 63#x5; 45#x15
3rd round: 63#x10; 45#x10

I don't know what happened during the second round. I think I tried to make up some time by dropping to the lower weight earlier. Not that it made a huge difference. By the time I got back from the last run, I'm pretty sure I just said fk it and did more of the heavy weight. 

This workout led me to one conclusion, when Fran eventually arrives (and she will someday), it's not going to be pretty. 

Total time: 20:20

On a side note... dinner tonight was some grilled deliciousness. Since the clouds decided to hold off on dumping the impending rain storm, I managed to squeeze this meal in before it gets nasty.

Mmmeeeaaaatttt. It's what's for dinner.
Meat!!! I think I'm in heaven.

And this super awesome treat too... bacon jalapeño poppers.
And these tasty treats: grilled bacon jalapeño poppers.

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