I forgot to post yesterday's WOD, so this will be for yestserday and today. I made the decision over the weekend that since my body has (seemingly) gotten used to the beatings a bit, I felt that I could start going to classes everyday. I may regret this decision later, especially because now I'll be getting up everyday at 5am and I don't know how I feel about that yet.
Anyways, here we go. What a way to start the week:
Mind you, the date does say 04MAR but I think it's because our brains weren't working properly yet.
I got through it deadlifting 95#. It was a bit heavy, by the last round I was only getting about two lifts unbroken. It's cool, this was supposed to be a heavy WOD. The pullups though! Those are the bane of my existence. All my life I've never been able to do an unassisted pullup. It's not happening yet, but one day. In the meantime, I'll stick with using the bands. By the end, I was so tired that I had to rig the green band. I was only getting about halfway up with the blue. Did I mention that I hate pullups? Thought so.
Not a super horrible time of 10:52... but there's always room for improvement.
Then there was today. It's a little surprising that we haven't been doing as much running around the block lately. Not that I'm complaining! I hate running, almost as much as I hate pullups. When I walked in and saw Mark, I was a little frightened. Last time Mark opened in the morning, I swear he tried to kill us. Not today though, phew! Today was shoulder day:
Me and Hilary started at 35# then worked our way up to 65#. I needed help at the end. It was tough getting that up. More so, because you naturally want to to a push press and use your legs to help get the weight started moving, but you can't. Big no no for shoulder press. This WOD I will definitely be feeling later.
I'm sure tomorrow will be the biggest struggle to get out of bed. Looking forward to it.
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